Term 3 - Open Evening
We have been very busy. We held our open evening this week and dressed up in Egyptian costumes to become tour guides for all the mums and dads. We all enjoyed showing off our work and telling our visitors what we have learned about ancient Egypt. Here are some photographs to take a look at.
These pictures show us at work, completing tasks for the open evening.
Everybody worked very hard to make the Egyptian open evening a great success.
As part of our health topic we have been learning about our environment and took part in a litter pick. We have also been learning about planting seeds and recently planted some seeds in the class. We were all very surprised to see that the seeds had started to grow over the weekend!We will soon be able to have the cress in a sandwich.
These pictures show us at work, completing tasks for the open evening.
Everybody worked very hard to make the Egyptian open evening a great success.
As part of our health topic we have been learning about our environment and took part in a litter pick. We have also been learning about planting seeds and recently planted some seeds in the class. We were all very surprised to see that the seeds had started to grow over the weekend!We will soon be able to have the cress in a sandwich.