Term 3
Primary 3C are learning about Ancient Egypt in their class project this term and recently enjoyed a visit to the Paisley Museum, where they were able to dress up in Egyptian clothes and wigs. They also had the opportunity to look at genuine Egyptian artifacts, some of which they will try to make in the class using clay and other materials which would otherwise be thrown away.

The classroom is being decorated with all things Egyptian and our Nefertiti wall is particularly colourful. The children used their knowledge of repeating patterns to design and decorate the head gear worn by Queen Nefertiti.

The walls of our classroom are being decorated to look like the walls of a pyramid and all of the children have had the chance to contribute to this, using their knowledge of tiling to paint bricks and achieve the desired effect.
Another activity we recently enjoyed was making papyrus using tea bags and coffee to stain paper. The effects are very realistic and we are planning to use this for writing activities later in the project.
Primary 3C enjoy the expressive arts and in drama lessons the children have worked very well in groups to mime sequences relating to weather and storms. These photographs show some of the class performing to their classmates as different aspects of weather - rain, thunder, wind, storm clouds and lightning. As part of our Egyptian theme we are planning to learn an Egyptian sand dance.

Look out for our fact files on all things Egyptian at the open evening. These will be on display in our classroom and the children have been learning to use contents and index pages to search for interesting facts.
We have also been learning to make fruit salads as part of our health topic.The children enjoyed chopping fruits and eating their healthy snack in the class.

The classroom is being decorated with all things Egyptian and our Nefertiti wall is particularly colourful. The children used their knowledge of repeating patterns to design and decorate the head gear worn by Queen Nefertiti.

The walls of our classroom are being decorated to look like the walls of a pyramid and all of the children have had the chance to contribute to this, using their knowledge of tiling to paint bricks and achieve the desired effect.
Another activity we recently enjoyed was making papyrus using tea bags and coffee to stain paper. The effects are very realistic and we are planning to use this for writing activities later in the project.
Primary 3C enjoy the expressive arts and in drama lessons the children have worked very well in groups to mime sequences relating to weather and storms. These photographs show some of the class performing to their classmates as different aspects of weather - rain, thunder, wind, storm clouds and lightning. As part of our Egyptian theme we are planning to learn an Egyptian sand dance.

Look out for our fact files on all things Egyptian at the open evening. These will be on display in our classroom and the children have been learning to use contents and index pages to search for interesting facts.
We have also been learning to make fruit salads as part of our health topic.The children enjoyed chopping fruits and eating their healthy snack in the class.

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